
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.

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Location: Karnataka, India

Saturday, February 19, 2005

A Great Writer#

Anything and everything under the sun, and beyond it, qualifies as a subject to write. When we speak about writings, the aim is not to be comprehensive or exhaustive, but to give an idea of how a subject may be treated - how to begin, how to develop the theme, and how to end.

It has always been an inner urge to write something whenever the streams of thoughts flow. Sometimes, we feel it vital to preserve our thoughts and assemble those. He writes nothing whose writings are not read :). So, got a few postings.

I remember a young man who professed a desire to become a “great writer”. When asked to define “ great”, he said “I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, wail, and howl in pain, desperation, and anger!”He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages :-))

Thursday, February 10, 2005

My bf:)

It’s time for valentines…..all boy friends & girlfriends to greet, gift, wish, party, disco…hmmm love’s in the air ( naa...water, clouds, rocks, parks n beaches too). Young adults are all set to rock .No matter, Page 3 theme next day. Community shouting for & against a day … But our people are all red. After all “It’s my life” theory. Old concept of love swapped by the new one. Heard somebody saying , “True love is like a ghost, everybody talks about….a few have seen:)”

I remember a fine valentine day morning while i entered a chatroom to get rid of tedium. The short form used for everything put me on an embarrassing moment. A friend on chat asked “u had a bf?” I said “yeah….had one….was in urgent, so left in between… guess I m hungry now”. Ohhhh…. came the voice there.. “ SO u change b/fs session by session? Hot gal eh!” I could not comprehend…what does this guy mean. “Boy. What are u speaking about? I said.. I had my morning breakfast( b/f)…was in a hurry. So left in between”. Later, he clarified, he asked whether I had a boyfriend (b/f)." No man...i dont"...I could not stop giggling…the comedy of errors ;)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Think it over...

Hiii folks,
Here’s something to say about our thoughts and actions. No…this isn’t an essay but a few encouraging words to put those wonderful thoughts of us in right actions.

“I think therefore I am” said Descartes, the famous French Philosopher. For him, our thoughts determined us as entities. This is true to a very large extent, as our actions are preceded by thoughts, either at the conscious or sub conscious level. In a somewhat different context, the German playwright had said." There are two kinds of men in this world, men of thought and men of action. Think like men of thought, act like the men of action." However, thoughts being at an abstract level are not tangible enough to take notice of. Hence, we are judged only by our actions.

There are people who before starting any project, often say “If I had money, if I had more support, if I had…”and so on. Such persons are involved in so many If’s that their projects are never given a start. Despite providing all basic needs, you hear them saying, “Yes, it’s there, but still I think if…” These people termed as negative thinkers never achieve their goal in life. Even God never supports persons who do not help themselves. We need to think positive, know our power of thinking, Know who are we and what can we do.

Every morning when we wake up, we have a new day ahead of us in which we can be whatever we choose. We can recreate ourselves daily, especially when we consciously choose to let go old resentments, grudges, patterns and fears. Affirm yourself, “I choose to be loving, peaceful, joyous, prosperous and patient with myself and others.” Once we make our intent known to our subconscious by that affirmation, it will co-operate in helping us create the reality. Make sure, you are affirming what you want to create, not what you don’t want.

Right thinking always helps in achieving our goals. When we begin to think right, objectively rather than emotionally, positively rather than negatively, we can resolutely take corrective action. Since a thought is something that goes on in our mind and something that we can control if we have the will to do so whereas discouragement is an accumulation of gloomy thoughts, we can chose to either entertain these thoughts or throw these out. The best way would be to bring out our right thoughts and put it in the right way of action as it is mentioned before, we are judged by our actions, not thoughts.

Positive thinking is vital to the processes that one guaranteed, to keep our spirit high, so high indeed that discouragement cannot break it. The positive thinker is a creative thinker, a cool, objective thinker in whatever situation he finds himself. Every obstacle is a stepping stone to a miracle. A problem for him contains the seeds of its own solution. As it is said, that in difficulty there is buried some great possibility. Problems are not inherently something to flee or avoid. Stand up to it; believe it may contain amazingly great values in it. Keep a watch on yourself, your thoughts and actions.

Marie. T. Russell has rightly said, “We are all great actors and we are free to play any role we choose. So, if the role you have been playing is not bringing you joy and happiness, look inside, see what role would make your inner child happy and make your heart sing. You are free to be …..Let your heart guide you to be who you want to be at this moment, and then the next…”