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Location: Karnataka, India

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Fool's day $...

April Fool's Day or All Fools' Day is a notable day, celebrated by the execution of hoaxes and practical jokes of varying sophistication with the goal of having fun.

The custom of playing practical jokes on April Fool's Day is very widespread and of uncertain origins. The victim of a joke is known in English as an April Fool; in Scots as a gowk (cuckoo or fool); and in French as a poisson d'avril (April fish). It has been suggested the custom may have had something to do with the move of the New Year's date, when people who forgot or didn't accept the new date system were given invitations to nonexistent parties, funny gifts, etc. Today, observed almost by all age groups to take a break from the busy schedule & rejoice.

A "for-fun-only" observance., Pranks performed on April fool’s Day range from the simple, such as saying, "Your shoe's untied!” or setting a roommate's alarm clock back an hour … Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim,
"April Fool!"

"Back to the memory lane, I remember an April fool’s day when I was undergoing coaching for civil service exams in the Mangalore University. My hostel mates were quite intelligent who were aware of the next day gimmicks. The previous day itself, were posing challenges to each other …they couldn’t be fooled ever. Next day morning, all of us had breakfast together in the mess, & left the place. I remembered, I haven’t had tea as it was too hot & went back there to have one. The mess boy returned Rs.50 & notified, the monthly mess fees which were paid the previous day were slashed since this month, so inform others too to collect the money from me. I shook my head, & came back to my room with a new scheme to make this fool’s day momentous. I informed one of my neighbors seriously, “the mess fees we paid yesterday are increased as of this month. I paid my money. You people are asked to pay immediately.
”This girl knocked each door & the news spread like any buzz, all the girls formed meeting & collecting the money headed towards the mess. I was waiting in my room for my roommate (who was my best friend too), to tell these funnies but before I said anything, she too ran away to mess with 50 Rs. I dint stop…one more feather in the cap:))I was waiting for the blast when the girls arrived, but amazing! No reaction. They behaved normally. “Did u pay?”, I asked. All shook head. Guess, the mess boy was clever enuff, collected money & sat quiet. Then, I confessed, “U people are fooled, we don’t have to pay ...but we are to get money back as the mess bills are slashed from this month.” Shock! Surprise! & Tension!...all fools have paid money & the lad has kept it with him.
Hustle and bustle …all girls formed a mass, ran down to the mess, found him out & asked the money back. Warden was there itself…& he gave each of them Rs. 50 back. “the other 50??” they yelled . “It’s only 50 to return” he said. Warden was watching.... “only 50/ to be given back…he has given that, right?”. Girls anxiously… “No mam… he has to give 50/more which we paid some time ago because of our buddy’s “April Fool” passion. There loomed the boy; laughing & blaring …returned the bonus :)
Girls, Warden & the boy…couldn’t resist mirth … the fun was pretty memorable.

"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year."-- Mark Twain

Hmmmmm…quite true ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that was a wonderful prank

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April Fool is day for those who really foolish.

2:16 AM  
Blogger Ramya Hegde said...

Friend..., it depends up on a person how to take a day..to what extent we can live it..then, be it a fools day or any other day...the very motto is only to get a break from our tight day to day schedule and bring some smiles...and yes ofcourse keeping in mind other's feelings

6:23 AM  

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